Some MetaCard Guides

Very old MetaCard tutos and guides:

Some whitepapers about MetaCard and MetaTalk:

Archived last MetaCard ftp (around 2003) mirror.

MetaCard was a multimedia authoring tool and GUI development environment. Using MetaCard is the easiest way to build graphical applications, Computer-Based Training (CBT) operations, create online documentation, or create a wide variety of other product applications. Get the MetaCard Starter Kit and build something today! The MetaCard Starter Kit is a fully functional multimedia authoring and graphical application creation tool, but there is a limit on the number of statements you can put in the script of each object. It includes complete online documentation, including tutorials to help you learn how to create stacks and write scripts. Check out the licensing information in the online documentation (choose "Licensing" from the Help menu) for details on how to get a license key that will remove the script-length limits: this is no more relevant since MetaCard was sold to RunRev in 2003. The IDE was opensourced in 2003 and the engine in 2013 (In 2013 RunRev launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding project to fund making LiveCode open source).

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