
Welcome to the MetaCard Classes here on the Cross Worlds web site. These articles assume that you are using the latest version of MetaCard which is MetaCard version 2.2.3.

Each discourse is rated on a one to five scale. A rating of one indicates that relatively basic concepts and techniques are discussed while five denotes that the article covers a more technically orientated or complex aspect of using MetaCard.

The "N/M" entry to the right of each article denotes whether an article is NEW to MetaClass or has been MODIFIED recently for compatibility with the latest version of MetaCard.

If you have a suggestion for a future article or if you would like to provide feedback on an existing article then please Email Us!


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The Message Hierarchy

A basic article explaining the key concept of messages and the message hierarchy.



Using the Send Command

Forget idle handlers! Use the Send command to implement asynchronous events and scheduling.







The magic formula for easily and efficiently splitting up your stacks prior to standalone building.





Text Management

An in depth look at the matchText, matchChunk and replaceText functions.







Finding and Replacing Text

Covers the find command,and explores the offset function as a more efficient alternative. Also covers the replace command.




Groups and Backgrounds

An introduction to groups and backgrounds, what you can do with them and what sets them apart.




Using Files with MetaCard

Reading and Writing to files using MetaCard including downloading from the Internet and launching applications.






Doing Menus in MetaCard

Everything you need to know about menus, covering menubars, pulldown and popup menus, combo boxes etc.





The Basics: Understanding stacks, subStacks and mainStacks

Fluency with MetaCard depends on a knowledge of the Card and Stack metaphor. Essential reading for all beginners.



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